Web 3.0 represents a new phase in the evolution of the internet. It places a strong emphasis on decentralization, machine learning, and Big Data. Historically, Web 1.0, also known as the Static Web, offered little interaction. Web 2.0, which began around 2005, is called the Social Web. It emphasizes interactive platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Wikipedia. Web 3.0 is still coming. Its key features include ubiquity, semantics, Artificial Intelligence, and immersion through 3D Graphics. Applications that use Web 3.0 technology include Siri and Wolfram Alpha. Ultimately, Web 3.0 promises to integrate the internet much more deeply into our daily lives.
Key Takeaways:
- Web 3.0 is the next generation of apps and websites that will be able to ‘think’ in a way approaching humans.
- Taking some of the operating structures of cryptocurrencies and blockchains, new websites will be largely automated and interoperable.
- Artificial intelligence, ubiquity, and 3D graphics will be hallmarks of the future web.
“Arguably, there are a few early-stage Web 3.0 applications that already exist today, but until the new internet becomes fully embedded in the web infrastructure, their true potential cannot be observed.”
Read more: https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-is-web-3-0
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